Welcome to 4th Grade
My name is Ms. Robyn Flagg and I am the 4th grade teacher at Cheverus Catholic. This is my 9th year here at Cheverus. I previously taught Pre-K and 2nd grade. This is my fifth year as the fourth grade teacher. I have a degree in Elementary Education from Salem State. I look forward to working with your children.
Curriculum: ELA (Wonders and Houghton Mifflin English Grammar}
WRITING (Collins Writing Program)
SOCIAL STUDIES (McGraw Hill Social Studies)
MATH (Sadlier -Oxford: Progress in Mathematics)
RELIGION ( Sadlier- We Believe)
SCIENCE (Scott Foresman Science)
Homework: Assignments are given on a daily basis. Please check my homework page for daily assignments.
Announcement page: Please visit my announcement page each week for a list of important messages and a schedule for the upcoming tests in my classes.
Grading policy: Tests are worth 60% of the final grade each trimester and quizzes are worth 40%. Homework is counted as one quiz grade at the end of each trimester.
Email: [email protected]
Art: Monday and Wednesday
Gym: Tuesday and Thursday